Robots Is Us

April 22nd, 2013 Comments off

When I was a boy (back in the Dark Ages), predictions of the future were bright with the labor-saving devices that would free up our time for happy pursuits: longer vacations overseas, more time at home spent with the kids, leisure to learn about our wonderful new world.

The future is here, and it’s playing out just as predicted: more work-saving devices than had been imagined: in the home there are housework robots (dishwasher, clothes washer and drier, nuker, Rhumba; But especially in the workplace, more robotic gadgets are doing the work that humans used to: welding, inspecting, lifting, sorting, packing, displacing workers at a dizzying clip.  The computer age has brought automation to millions of jobs.  When I was young, to earn money for college I worked summers as a comptometer operator, operating that glorified adding machine, bunching in the keys by hand; today all that would be done by a compter, replacing me and fifty others in that one office.

As more capital is invested in robots and other forms of automation, the produce of the automatons is returned to the contributors of the capital invested.  So, a small minority–the capitalists–accrue a larger and larger share of the wealth produced by the nation.  Meanwhile, the labor ‘market’ becomes disfunctional, creating no jobs, or just barely remunerative ones. Labor can no longer demand wages: it’s more efficient for the capitalist to invest in automation than in those pesky human beings, with their duty-shirking and health benefits.

The problem is, then, what to do about this inequitable distribution of the fruits of production?  Some might say that there is no inequity in this at all: things are as they should be, where capital is rewarded.  I really can’t agree with that: we’re all humans, and if the wealth of the nation is not equitably distributed among the populace, than the system of distribution is disfunctional, and needs revision.

Categories: Economics, politicas, Uncategorized Tags:

The Problem with Kindle

April 19th, 2013 Comments off

I love my Kindle.  With reservations.

It’s great for reading novels.  It’s light-weight, I can read it lying in bed, or take it to the beach or doctor’s waiting-room, and it carries within it a number of books I have yet to exceed.  I’m the kind of person who can be reading 2, 3 or even four novels at at time, and there they all are together in one neat little package, always saving my place and returning me there when I pick it up.  I can also read magazines on my Kindle, and the latest issue is always available at the touch of a button.  I love my Kindle.

But I hate the Kindle.  It is terrible.  Terrible for reading non-fiction.  Kindle non-fiction books suck big weeners.

Kindle books have no page numbers.  None at all.  (“Have you no shame, sir?”)  There is a lttle number showing the percentage of the book you are at; but with a 500-page book, to know you are at 25% tells you you are on page 125, or maybe 124, or 123, or maybe page 126, or 127, maybe 128—in other words, no page numbers.  But the TEXT will refer to PAGE NUMBERS: within the text itself (“see pp 99-103”), or in the index, or in the endnotes.

And then there are the mysterious “location numbers”.  You can choose, from a menu, to “go to” a certain ‘location’.  But who knows where those positions might be?    Admittedly, if you position the cursor in the text, the location number will pop up; make a “note” or highlight, and it will be identified by location number. But without such a reference, the location number is meaningless.

What ever happened to page numbers?  Would they really be so hard to associate with the text?

Speaking of endnotes, or footnotes:  why are they not LINKS?  How shall I find a footnote that appears at the end of a chapter (or really, the end of a page, of which there are none–pages, that is).

All in all, the Kindle is great for reading fiction.  But for non-fiction, it sucks.


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Pederasty in Medieval Times

April 15th, 2013 Comments off
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Today must be April 15

April 15th, 2013 Comments off
Categories: Economics, politicas, Uncategorized Tags:

Notes for “The Evolutionary Basis for Morality”

April 14th, 2013 Comments off

Six Foundations of Morality

(Jonathan Haidt, The Righteous Mind)

Intuitions:  (intuition ≠ emotion)

Moral Foundation /  Moral Antonym

Care    / Hate
Fairness, Reciprocity    /  Cheating
Loyalty , Ingroup   /  Betrayal
Authority, Respect   /  Subversion
Sanctity, Purity     /  Degradation, Disgust
Liberty   /  Oppression   (this one is new)

(This list as found in the essay “Of Freedom and Fairness” Issue Spring 2013)

(Care + Fairness + Liberty = Classical Liberalism (Hume -> Locke, Kant, Mills)

Video we watched at Sunday meeting:

 Haidt’s website with morality surveys you can take:

Further Reading:

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

Incognito by David Eagleman

The Better Angels of Our Nature by Steven Pinker

The World Until Yesterday by Jared Diamond

The Social Conquest of Earth by E.O. Wilson

The Reactionary Mind by Corey Robin

Supersense by Bruce M. Hood

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Not-So Progressive Shares of Tax Burden

April 5th, 2013 Comments off
Categories: Charts, Economics, politicas, Uncategorized Tags:

$100 Million for the Brain…How Much to Prevent Spending on Back Problems?

April 3rd, 2013 Comments off

Here’s how the Disability Pie comes out.  Total spent on Disability Insurance: $132.3 billion in 2011.


That comes out to $43.5 billion — in just one year– for BACK PROBLEMS (Musculoskeletal).  How much are we spending on research of methods to prevent and/or cure back problems?  I can’t find the answer to that one.

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LACMA Collections

March 15th, 2013 Comments off
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History Fails to Penetrate the GOP Mind

March 13th, 2013 Comments off

This from the first page of the “Path to Freedom”:

Senate Democrats never balance—ever.

via Fiscal Year 2014 Budget | Budget.House.Gov.

Forgetting, or course, that the only budget to balance since Eisenhower  was under the Clinton presidency.


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Stock (market) Wealth by Quintile

March 12th, 2013 Comments off


From WaPo

stock wealth by quintileHere’s what that means in dollar terms: “In 2010, according to Wolff’s analysis, the stock holdings of the middle fifth were worth about $9,000. The holdings of the top 10% were worth $500,000, and those of the top 1%: $3.5 million.”


Categories: Charts, Economics, politicas, Uncategorized Tags: