Back Scratching

July 2nd, 2016

Back Scratching


Boggin was the best back scratcher ever.  Dad, never; Mom not so hot; brothers, don’t even ask.  But Boggin would sit down at the drop of a hat to scratch your back, and the way she did it was so satisfying, so long-lasting, that you could go for as long as five minutes without asking again.

She never used her nails.  Just as a blow job does not involve blowing, back scratching does not mean actual scratching (which nails would do) that might harm the tender skin of grandchildren.  No.  Boggin’s back scratching was more of a gentle, pads-of-fingers rub, the gentlest possible of massages, more of a caressing, touchy-feely before the term touchy-feely was invented.  Just enough pressure to make you aware that, yes, her hand is still roving over your back, and any itchy places — well, you claimed that your back itched, didn’t you? —

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